"College students continue to use open Web resources extensively; open Web resources are often relied on even though faculty report that most of the information located is not authoritative or credible, but acceptable." "...while libraries with limited budgets spend considerable sums to offer databases, the results of this survey show that these resources are underused."
Ekki er ég neitt sérstaklega undrandi yfir þessu. Hin djúpi vefur liggur of djúpt fyrir þessa nemendur.
"In a larger context student reliance on open Web resources has a broad significance as to whether students can recognize and use quality information. "
Sumir hafa gengið svo langt að segja:
"...students’ indiscriminate use of sources might be likened to academic promiscuity, a kind of textual sleeping around among whatever attractive sources can be easily picked up in chatrooms, databases, or stacks. " (Computers and Composition Volume 17, Issue 3 , December 2000, Pages 309-328. Investigating the practices of student researchers: patterns of use and criteria for use of internet and library sources, by Vicki Tolar Burton and Scott A. Chadwick.)
Nemendur þurfa að læra að meta gæði upplýsinga á netinu.